A Just Cause (AJC) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that was established in 2005, by a group of concerned citizens whose lives were turned upside down by injustice and unfair treatment. AJC's fight has always been against injustices, wherever found and that's why we continue fighting daily for justice, racial equality, and voting rights through a combined effort of litigation, advocacy, and public awareness. Given the state of our country today, AJC is driven to push our and others initiatives forward to address injustices and America's challenges involving blatant discrimination and racism within Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement and within our Criminal Justice System. All of these social justice issues have been identified, as very real problems for our country. A Just Cause is dedicated and steadfastly committed to facing these challenges head-on and bringing change to these problems that plague America.
A Just Cause is a non-profit organization, made up of volunteers that are dedicated to educating American citizens about the growing, alarming, and serious social justice issues that are occurring right here, in the United States. We have first-hand experience and knowledge, working directly with those that have been affected and impacted by injustice and various forms of unfairness in this country. Injustices can occur on many different platforms that range from judicial corruption, prosecutorial misconduct, abuse of power, racial profiling, stop & frisk, police brutality, police shootings, and lack of accountability for unbelievable acts carried out by those in whom we are suppose to trust and rely on for morality and leadership. It is through this gained knowledge and experience, that we are able to educate and spread awareness about the huge social justice challenges America is currently facing.
We are not Attorneys. We are advocates, fighting for those whose voices go unheard. We are Business Executives, Human Resources Managers & Business Partners, Program & Project Managers, Information Technology Professionals, and Sales & Marketing Professionals. We have experience working with high-powered U.S. Senators, U.S. Congressmen, State & Federal Judges, Lawyers & Attorneys, Writers, Reporters, Investigative Journalists, and other news media outlets. We also interface and align ourselves with other advocacy groups, organizations and corporations fighting for similar causes and initiatives, to include several well-known Innocence Projects.
The mission of A Just Cause (AJC) is to be the voice, leading the battle cry in the fight against injustices and unfairness in America. We will provide aid and assistance in fixing problems, and work diligently to assist other organizations and advocacy groups, who are working towards that end.
Our mission involves educating professionals within the legal community, news media, and the general public to bring awareness about the grave injustices impacting American citizens, all-over the United States. We are the organization that people regardless of race, color, creed, religious background or walk of life, would want advocating for them and helping them to share their story. A Just Cause organization will allow all people of America and beyond to have a voice.
It is our vision to bring information, education and true awareness to the American people all over the United States. As an organization, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal and organizational excellence, organizational process improvement, self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to the people we help, their families and our partner organizations. We take on big challenges, will be unwavering in our efforts and pride ourselves on seeing situations through to the end. We hold ourselves accountable to our clients, stakeholders, partners, staff and volunteers by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for excellence in all that we do. We believe in not letting grass grow under our feet, continually pressing toward the goal, and getting it done.
In our ongoing efforts to keep American citizens educated about the growing and staggering challenges of injustices occurring in the United States, A Just Cause performs the following functions:
Collect current, newsworthy articles associated with such challenges, and distribute them to our network of supporters, news media, attorneys, and families
Provide links to advocate sites working to bring change to America
Provide links to multiple sites providing accurate research and information
Provide a list of books dealing with injustice in America today
Develop websites and blogs for those who seek justice
Work with the news media to draw attention to the reports, cases and stories of the victims of injustice