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Change only happens when you fight for it...


Please chip in today to help make a difference!

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3578-E Hartsel Drive, #362
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Tel: 719-373-1867, x710

Tel: 855-529-4252, x710


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  • If this contribution is from an individual, I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States or if this contribution is from an organization, such as a partnership, that the organization is not a foreign government or foreign political party, is not organized under the laws of a foreign country, and does not have its principal place of business in a foreign country;

  • This contribution is not from a corporation;

  • This contribution is not from a political action committee;

  • This contribution is not from a currently registered federal lobbyist or foreign agent;

  • This contribution is not from a minor under the age of 16;

  • The funds I am donating are from me and are not being provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

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