What is A Just Cause?
A Just Cause is a 501(c)(3) organization that was established in 2005 by a group of concerned citizens who were witness to a federal criminal case that was grossly over-criminalized.
After seeing how a case can be misconstrued as criminal, and peoples' lives turned upside down, A Just Cause was formed to fight abuse and misuse of power within the justice system. After launching AJC, it became apparent that over-criminalization is a growing trend.
AJC is made up of regular citizens who want to bring attention to a problem and help facilitate change.

AJC representatives visit the Office of Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton

AJC representatives visit the Office of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee

AJC representatives visit the Office of Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton
AJC Radio
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Go to AJCRadio.com for show details!
FaceBook: A Just Cause Radio
AJC Mission, Vision, and Values
A Just Cause seeks true balance and accountability in the judicial process, ensuring that innocent men and women are not convicted and sentenced to prison for trivial, obscure acts that are otherwise not seen as crimes.
News and Latest Press Releases
The Answer to the FBI's Struggle With Homegrown ISIS Supporters Is Sitting in Federal Prison in Florence Colorado, Says Advocacy Group, a Just Cause...
Six IT Executives Sit In Federal Prison Who Developed Software to Maximize Surveillance Efforts Against Terror Suspects in the US
Legislation and Studies
Studies have been conducted and legislation drafted that addresses flaws or concerns regarding the judicial process in the United States. A Just Cause will collect and make available information that is critical to educating the public on the U.S. Judiciary.
Current Events
Photo Gallery Inspired by tragic slaying of Michael Brown
Inspired and troubled by the tragic slaying of Michael Brown, AJC Staff gathered clips from online for a photo gallery comparing times past with present day... what has changed? You be the judge…
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The Case of the Missing Transcript
by Judge H. Lee Sarokin - The Huffington Post
Must Read!!
"If ever the saying "Justice delayed is justice denied" has applicability, it is in this strange case. Defendants who may be innocent and whose constitutional rights were likely violated sit in prison; their families sit at home awaiting the court's judgment; an entire community sits and awaits their return. And Justice sits and awaits a ruling.”
Featured Publications
Visit the freetheirp6.org site for more details on this story.
Legislative Initiatives
A Just Cause Supports Grand Jury Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 429)
Sponsored by Rep. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, D-GA-4, January 21, 2015
H.R.429, Grand Jury Reform Act of 2015 (January 21, 2015) states, "To provide that in the case of a law enforcement officer who uses deadly force against a person, and thereby causes the death of that person, a hearing shall be conducted before a judge to determine whether there is probable cause for the State to bring criminal charges against the law enforcement officer relating to the death of the person, and for other purposes."
Congress Should Pass Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFAA)
By Christopher Durocher, April 11, 2014, http://www.constitutionproject.org
The Justice for All Reauthorization Act (S. 822) is a bipartisan bill that the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved last October. On Monday April 7, the U.S. House of Representatives passed one part of the JFAA, the Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4323), which provides grants to states to reduce evidence backlogs in their crime labs.
As Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chair of the Judiciary Committee and lead sponsor of the bill, explains, the bill “strengthens important rights for crime victims, reauthorizes the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program, seeks to improve the quality of indigent defense, and increases access to post-conviction DNA testing to help protect the innocent.”
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A Just Cause Important Links - Take Action
Learn more about NACDL and the issues that shape criminal justice policies and practice.
Contact your member of congress and let your voice be heard.
Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Get involved in judicial reform.