December 30, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, To Push for Judicial Reforms Following Public Outrage in Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and IRP6 Cases... A Just Cause Seeks Accountability and Legitimacy for Investigators and Prosecutors in IRP6 Case.
December 24, 2014 - A Just Cause, On Behalf of IRP6, Escalates Case to Department of Justice and Questions if Rules of Professional Conduct Were Violated... A Just Cause Asks Department of Justice to Investigate if Federal Investigators Followed Proper Procedure in the IRP6 Case When Agents Contacted Philly Officials Regarding IRP Solutions.
December 2, 2014 - Is Inconsistent Testimony Grounds for Further Review in IRP6 Case, Asks Advocacy Group A Just Cause... IRP6 Requested Dismissal of Case Based on Impeachment of Government Witnesses.
November 12, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Implores the Department of Justice to Investigate the IRP6 Case; Questions of Perjury During Trial... The IRP6 Question If Prosecutors and Witnesses Committed Perjury During Their Trial.
September 30, 2014 - With ISIS Threats on the Homeland, Should the Federal Government Have Completed the Federal Investigative Case Management System, asks Advocacy Group A Just Cause... The Case Investigative Life Cycle (CILC) software by IRP Solutions Corporation is still a viable option for feds in fight against terrorist by providing a single point of access to all intelligence and law enforcement information, says A Just Cause.
September 23, 2014 - U.S. Senate Passage of the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Reduction Act Is Encouraging For All Advocacy Groups, Says A Just Cause... A Just Cause renews support for total passage of Senator Leahy’s Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFAA).
September 16, 2014 - Attorney Gwendolyn Solomon Petitions United States Supreme Court to Review Tenth Circuit’s Decision in Case of the IRP6... Appellant Attorney Gwendolyn Solomon argues that lower court erred by not allowing expert witnesses to testify in the case of the IRP6; United States Supreme Court asked to review Tenth Circuit Court’s ruling, says advocacy group, A Just Cause.
September 9, 2014 - Attorney Gwendolyn Solomon Petitions United States Supreme Court to Review Tenth Circuit’s Decision in Case of the IRP6... Attorney for IRP6 files petition for writ of certiorari with the United States Supreme Court; argues that the lower court got it wrong, says advocacy group, A Just Cause.
September 4, 2014 - Complaint Filed Against Attorney Mark Geragos With The California Bar Association By Advocacy Group A Just Cause... Attorney Mark Geragos is charged with violating California Bar Association Rules of Professional Conduct; Complaint filed by A Just Cause with the California Bar Office of the Chief Trial Counsel.
August 26, 2014 - Approaching 13th Anniversary of 9/11: Updated Report Says "U.S. Not As Safe As We Could Be" -- IRP Solutions Software Can Help FBI Where Virtual Case File and Sentinel Could Not, Says A Just Cause... Advocacy group reviews recently released Bipartisan Policy Center Anniversary Report on 9/11 Commission and DOJ IG Audit Reports on failed case management systems and offers insight on software developed by IRP6; group continues to push for DOJ investigation and request that IRP6 be released from federal prison.
August 22, 2014 - In the Wake of Ferguson, ISIS, and Fear of a 9/11 Repeat, Advocacy Group Says Software by IRP Solutions Holds Key to Homeland Security Concerns and Will Keep America Safe... Fears of sleeper cells and imminent terrorist attacks on U.S. soil adds fuel to fire for advocacy group, A Just Cause, to continue to push for the freedom of the IRP6.
August 15, 2014 - Appellant Attorney Gwendolyn Solomon Disagrees with Ruling Against IRP6 on Issues of 200 Pages of Transcript Being Withheld and Fifth Amendment Right... Amid over 200 pages of court transcript being omitted by the district court, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the IRP6. Advocacy group, A Just Cause, reviews and asks why?
August 12, 2014 - Appellant Attorney Gwendolyn Solomon Uncovers Verbatim Opinion from Completely Different Four Year Old Case in Ruling Against IRP6... Despite identical written opinions, the outcome of both cases is the opposite. A Just Cause asks why?
August 6, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Encourages Americans to Push Senators to Support Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFAA)... As Justice Department report shows serious flaws in nation’s crime labs, Advocacy Group, A Just Cause continues to show support for the Justice For All Reauthorization Act (JFAA); press release web hits exceed 200,000 impressions.
August 5, 2014 - Decision By Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Raises More Questions Than Answers In The IRP6 Case Regarding 200 Pages of Missing Transcript, Says Advocacy Group A Just Cause... Advocacy group, A Just Cause, seeks broader federal investigation into operations of federal courts in Denver surrounding the handling of the IRP6 Case.
July 29, 2014 - 9/11 Commission Issues Update 10 Years Later: America Still Not Safe; Advocacy Group Says Execs Who Have Been In Prison for Two Years Hold the Key to U.S. Homeland Security... Bipartisan Policy Center Anniversary Report about 9/11 adds fuel to the fire for advocacy group, A Just Cause, to push for freedom of the IRP6.
July 22, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Meets With Congressmen On Capitol Hill About IRP6 Case; Shares How IRP Software Will Help Fight Terrorism and Keep America Safe... Advocacy group calls on Congress to get jailed executives (IRP6) out of prison so they can provide law enforcement software to agencies to help fight against terrorism on the homeland.
July 10, 2014 - Handling of Federal Court Motions and Orders in Denver Criminal Case Adds to Advocacy Group’s Curiosity in The IRP6 Case and Results in Push for New Legislation... Advocacy group, A Just Cause, continues to ponder rationale for delay in the federal criminal appellate case of the IRP6 in light of "new" evidence.
July 3, 2014 - Four Motions For Bond Pending Appeal Only Signed By Clerk Of the Court Returned Denied; Raises Questions If Received or Reviewed By Federal Appellate Judges... Advocacy group, A Just Cause, asks federal government to open investigation into operations of Clerk of the Court for the Tenth Circuit Court Appeals.
June 17, 2014 - Justice For All Reauthorization Act (JFAA) Is Definitely Needed Says Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... A Just Cause continues to push and publicize the Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFAA) through traditional marketing and social media.
June 12, 2014 - Wilmington Ten, Dr. Benjamin Chavis and Wayne Moore, On Justice In America and the IRP6 Case... Dr. Benjamin Chavis and Wayne Moore of the Wilmington Ten appear on A Just Cause Coast to Coast radio show; share thoughts on judicial reform, civil rights leadership, and IRP6.
June 3, 2014 - Why Is Appeal In Colorado Federal Criminal Case Taking So Long, Asks Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... Federal Appeal involving six Colorado businessmen is one of the longest cases under appeal in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
May 21, 2014 - Retired Federal Judge Speaks Out About Colorado Case Involving Over 200 “Missing” Pages of Court Transcript... Retired Federal Appellate Judge H. Lee Sarokin says Court of Appeals has enough evidence to conclude that the IRP6 rights were “indeed” violated and the court should “either reverse and remand for new trial or dismiss”
May 15, 2014 - Why Are Six Executives Still In Federal Prison While Courts Haggle Over Missing 200 Pages of Court Transcript, Asks Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... Why is there no decision yet in IRP6 case with over 200 pages of court transcript missing, while six men sit in prison for two years awaiting appellate decision amid federal judge’s admission of withholding the transcript?
May 6, 2014 - Retired Federal Appellate Judge Ponders “The Case of the Missing Transcript” on Huffington Post; A Colorado Federal Criminal Case Involving Six Jailed Executives... Retired Federal Judge H. Lee Sarokin refers to missing transcript in the IRP6 case as “strange mystery”.
May 1, 2014 - Office of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Garners Support from Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, for passage of Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFAA)... A Just Cause encourages it’s volunteers, supporters and affiliate organizations to support passage of the Justice for All Reauthorization Act.
April 29, 2014 - Research by Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Raises Questions about Duration of Appeal for IRP6 Case in the Federal Court’s Tenth Circuit... Research results show that the IRP6 case exceeds duration of appeal when compared to other Tenth Circuit cases submitted during same time period.
April 22, 2014 - Retired Federal Appellate Judge From The Famed “Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter” Case Chimes In On the IRP6 Case... Retired Federal Judge H. Lee Sarokin and Attorney Darren Kavinoky join the Just Cause Coast to Coast Radio Show Hosts as they discuss the IRP6 Case.
April 10, 2014 - Young Daughter of Jailed Executive Writes Open Letter To Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Protesting Federal Judge Induction... Daughter of one of the IRP6 issues open letter to Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Chairperson asking the Hall to revoke induction of Judge Christine Arguello.
April 9, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Says IRP6 Case Finally Beginning to Get Media Attention... The Associated Press published an article about the IRP6 case on April 5; A Just Cause says that article is a good start in garnering publicity, but fails to address key issues like that of the 200 pages of missing court transcripts.
Also, from the blog of David Banks, COO, IRP6 - Response to Associated Press Article.
April 3, 2014 - Human Rights Violations in U.S. Prisons is Focus of Study by Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... A Just Cause seeks to draw attention to human rights violations in United States prisons, citing first-hand accounts of poor prison healthcare and generally inhumane conditions.
March 27, 2014 - Why Don’t Wrongful Conviction Cases Get Attention From Main Media, Ponders Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... Pew Research shows that public believes that news organizations focus on unimportant stories; A Just Cause argues that lack of media coverage of the IRP6 Case validates Pew findings.
March 25, 2014 - Federal Judge Induction Into The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Is Met With Protests From Supporters Of The IRP6... Families of the IRP6 and Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Protest in downtown Denver against Judge Arguello’s induction into Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame.
March 20, 2014 - Senators Lee and Tester Applauded by Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, for Introducing Bill to Ensure Proper Investigations of DOJ Attorneys... A Just Cause sees parallels in Lee-Tester Bill and Project on Government Oversight (POGO) Study to what happened in the IRP6 case; Advocacy group still seeks investigation.
March 12, 2014 - Why Are IRP6 Still In Federal Prison After 20 Months When Federal Appellate Judge Returned Case File To Court Clerk In May 2013, Questions Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... A Just Cause investigation reveals that Federal Appellate Judge Hartz completed review of IRP6 case and Tenth Circuit received case files in May 2013; why has Appellant Attorney not been notified and Pacer not updated, questions A Just Cause.
March 5, 2014 - Was Fear a Factor When Jury Decided IRP6 Case, Ponders Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... Was IRP6 Jury instructed against voting their conscience, questions A Just Cause.
February 27, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Questions If Jury Instructions Negatively Impacted the IRP6 Case... Why Didn’t Federal Judge strengthen the jury instructions to clarify whether there was intent by the IRP6 to commit a crime, ponders A Just Cause.
February 25, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Questions Why Ranking Federal Legislators and Justice Officials Won’t Act in the IRP6 Case... A Just Cause continues to seek intervention of key legislators and Justice Department Officials in the case of the IRP6.
February 18, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Questions Why the Church that the IRP6 Attended Was Targeted as Part of the IRP Solutions Investigation... A Just Cause questions if IRS violated rules for investigating a non-profit while taking part in the federal investigation of IRP6.
February 11, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Questions Juror’s Silence Following Guilty Verdict Of Six Colorado Executives (IRP6)... Was gag order privately issued to jurors in jury room after the verdict in the IRP6 case, asks A Just Cause.
February 4, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Questions If Federal Prosecutor Violated Witness Tampering Laws In The IRP6 Case... Court records reveal that possible infringements of witness tampering laws were not called into question by federal judge; A Just Cause seeks answers in IRP6 case.
January 22, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Seeks U.S. Attorney General Investigation In IRP6 Case; Questions If Violations of U.S. Criminal Code Occurred... The IRP6 continue to question if laws were violated in their case where 200 pages of court transcripts are missing.
January 16, 2014 - Radio Interview Focuses Spotlight on Expert Witness Not Allowed to Testify in IRP6 Case... Industry expert, Andrew Albarelle, shares expert opinion with advocacy group, A Just Cause, and questions why standard business practices were criminalized, landing six company executives (IRP6) in federal prison.
January 16, 2014 - Advocacy Group, A Just Cause, Continues to Push Attorney General Eric Holder to Conduct an Investigation in IRP6 Case Regarding 200 Pages of Omitted Court Transcripts... A Just Cause and supporters continue with letters and phone calls to Attorney General Eric Holder about the IRP6 case while the six executives still sit in federal prison; no response received from DOJ.
January 9, 2014 - Questions of Judicial Misconduct are Raised by The IRP6 and The Advocacy Group, A Just Cause... The IRP6 Questions if Laws Were Violated in Their Case with 200 Pages of Court Transcripts Missing.